We arrived at the
hospital at 7:50pm. Most everyone had gone home and we were really at a loss.
We walked to the office of the woman who ran all the education programs to see
if she might be there. No luck. We tried to remember what we had heard in our
last hospital class 3 weeks before, but nerves and adrenaline make you stupid.
We wandered. We asked custodians. We finally got to the Labor and Delivery
check in desk, apologized and got these weird sympathetic looks as we waited
for all of our "goodies" as the nurse called them.
She walked us down the
hall. She was very kind asking me to put on my gown, giving us our bracelets
and prepping us and the room for our coming activities.
I called my mom and
gave her the green light to come. Bad call. I had not yet been given my IV.
Just as my mom and sisters and friend Sarah walked in, the nurse was right on
their heels with her phlebotomy kit and IV materials. I had my sisters and
friend sit on the bed and block my mother's view of me and my view of my arm.
They chatted and made sure my mom didn't faint and we all tried to ignore the 4
needle sticks and wiggles it took to get my 2 tubes of blood and IV set
They stayed for a bit
and then left me to sleep. My doctor walked in as they were leaving and began
the first step of my induction. It was really not very exciting. My cervix was
still only 2cm dilated, as I had been for the last 2 weeks. No big deal. The
monitors and I could not find a happy position and I struggled for 2-3 hours trying
to get comfortable for my night in the hospital. Around 9:45pm Geoff was
starving and asked if I was ok with him going to Wendy’s and getting something
to eat. Off he went. I was finally comfortable, he turned off the lights and
left. About 5 minutes later I was finally comfortable and my nurse and a crew
came flying in, turning on all the lights, repositioning me, the bed, the
monitors, talking rapidly to each other, the works! The baby was freaking out
on the monitors. So, they made reposition again. Geoff got back just as things
were settling down and was, rightfully, alarmed. The nurse tried to calm him.
He apologized to me and promised not to leave again.
The next morning,
around 7am, my doctor arrived and checked on me and things had made quite the
progress. We made the decision to break my water and boy, did things take off!
My mother arrived at around 8:15am and wanted to come in. I asked the nurse to tell
her to wait. (Looking back, I completely regret that decision. I was scared
that she would get upset, or faint or try to get in my face, or you know, act
like my mom. Now, I wish I had allowed her to come in and share in that moment.
I don’t think it would have been as bad and dramatic as I had imagined, but I
had this picture in my head and all these people willing to let me do it my way
and I told her no.) The phone rang incessantly that morning. Everyone wanted to
know what was happening. And Geoff, suddenly social, would answer the phone and
give everyone details about what was happening! It was so annoying. The nurse
disconnected the phone from the wall, because, well, she’s a saint. My doctor
reminded me and Geoff of some of the things that she was concerned about and
the NICU team came in, a few others came and by the time I was ready to push,
there was a veritable army of people standing in my room to witness. My
daughter arrived and I heard everyone in the room let out a breath I didn’t
know they were holding. She was perfect. Not only perfect, she was healthy. A
lot healthier than anyone had given me reason to believe. But I knew. My mother
came in and held her. She left to go get my sisters when I was moved to my
permanent room. My daughter, Annie went to NICU for about 2 hours that
afternoon for testing and then returned. Geoff and I called people, flowers
came, family came. It was great time.
His mother offered to
come and help us once we got home from the hospital. At first, unbeknownst to
me, Geoff declined. I asked him to call her back and accept! I knew he was
going to have to go back to work soon and I was not excited about being stuck
at home with just me and the baby and no one to help me. I liked our tiny
little duplex, but being stuck and alone and having 5 channels, well it just
didn’t sound awesome. So, he called her back and she said she would come on
September 12 and stay the rest of the week.

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