On Monday, my husband is moving to Knoxville.
Most people have responded in one of the following ways:
1. Are you guys getting divorced? No.
2. Are you crazy?!!?? Possibly, but I have 5 kids, so we crossed that bridge a long time ago.
3. Why? In short, it's his turn.
4. Are you guys moving to Knoxville? Eventually.
5. Aren't you sad or upset or??? Yes, and everything else, too.
Here's what it boils down to for me...
For the last 15 years, Geoff has said yes to me. Every thing, idea, degree, WHATEVER, that I came home and said I wanted to do, minus very little and very few, he said yes. I have done nearly all the things that I have wanted to do with my career choices, life choices and personal choices. It's time for me to say yes to my husband and give him the time and the space he needs to pursue his goal, his dream, his career and, most importantly to me, his happiness.
So, for the short term, because 8 months is a short amount of time, I will have a house, a job, 5 kids and 4 dogs to myself. I will get all the hugs, kiss, boo boos, tears, joys and everything in between to myself!
I will also be working to rid our home of excess clutter, trying to make time to see my husband, continuing to give high quality lessons and care for my children. I want to continue to sell monograms and appliques.
I will gratefully and happily accept help and swallow my pride and even possibly, ask for help.
It's going to be the busiest and possibly most dramatic time I've had in a long time, but I'm up for the challenge.

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