Last week Annie's boyfriend came to my dad's River house with us. Yeah, let that sink in.
Annie my first born.
Annie my sweet, wonderful, delightful child who can not possibly be turning 13 in just over a month and a half.
That's the one.
She looks like a grown up, right?
Anyway, this sweet kid got brought to my dad's house on the Tennessee River only 1 day after being picked up from summer camp. (Clearly his parents are pretty fab.) So, this sweet boy is sitting with us at dinner and we're all making happy conversation. And low and behold, this amazing kid antis up that his mom writes one of my favorite blogs!!! Have you been over to yet?

Here it is. The menu of the first time I discovered Jenny's Lark. The first time I found her blog, I thought, "I love how she writes, but how the hell does she cool so much and plan everything out so sell?!?"
And then I remembered that she only has 2 kids. I decided it was at least worth reading.
Back then, I was pregnant with number 4 and still, licking my wounds from my mom dying. (Well, who are we kidding, I'm still licking those wounds.) I didn't have a good hold on reality. Maybe I still don't. Lol, who does?!?!
It's so funny to me that the world is so small that one of my favorite blogs is written by the mom of my daughter's favorite boy person (I refuse to say boyfriend). I guess that's part of the brilliance of how life works.