Cleaning is one such icky.
However, there are lots of great blogs and lists available to help you organize this particular part of your life. Some of them can help you achieve the kind of transformation I found on the web shown below.

Here are a few of my favorite:
Each of these ladies shares her tried and true methods and even a few funnies along the way.
As far as my checklist for you is concerned:
1. Pick some cleaning supplies that you really like. Don't go overboard getting 15 different things, get multipurpose items that you are going to use. The more things you have when you open the cabinet, the less likely you are to do your cleaning.
2. Make a small cleaning caddy and put it in each bathroom, laundry area, kitchen area, etc of your house. If you have to walk all the way to another end or another floor of your house to get things done, you are less likely to do it. (You know I'm telling the truth...)
3. Make it as brainless as possible. For example, if you don't like to clean the shower, put a command hook in there and hang up a bottle of your shower cleaner. Once you are clean, spray down the shower and go on with your life. You've gotten some cleaning done at the same time you did your Olympic stretch to get that little spot beside your ankle.
4. Don't tackle the whole house all at once. You are not going to clean the whole house in one day. It's just not going to happen. (Face the facts.) However, you may get one bathroom done and the hallway vacuumed and your bed made! Make each day's goals reasonable. Rotate the big things. For example, make one room the major focus for a month, on week 1 do the base boards, on week 2 do the molding, on week 3 do the heavy dusting and furniture rearranging, on week 4 do the "goodwill cleanout" as you keep doing that your home will continue to get better and better and you will not feel overwhelmed in the process.
Enjoy your home and find a way to enjoy cleaning it!!!
As a side note, let me just say that today's Memphis Tigers game versus St. Mary's was one for the record books! I prefer my wins a little more clear, but they managed to eek that one out!
Thanks for stopping by!
Go Tigers!

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