There's something really wonderful to me about making a list and being able to check things off...Don't ask me why, it's just something I really enjoy. (And yes, I have been known to add things that get done that weren't on my "to do" list, just so I can check them off!)
For my first, Checklist Thursday, I am posting my baby checklist. This is my list, other people have a different list when it comes to baby. But, this is how I operated with the 4 babies I've had. The brands have short explanations if I picked one. My choices were primarily based on functionality and really not much else. Feel free to comment or message me if you think of a list you'd like me to make and share!
Functional (AKA the Bare) Necessities: Feed 'em, change 'em, clean 'em
Diapers: here's the real info.....if they are cheap...they are cheap. Suck it up and either get Pampers or Huggies. They're honestly about the same. Huggies do slightly better overnight, if the baby sleeps through the night.
Diaper Wipes: the gentler the better. IF the ingredients include alcohol, do not buy it. If your baby has the slightest diaper rash and you use alcohol wipes, well, you should know what will happen. (Think lemon juice on a paper cut)
Diaper Rash Cream: Desitin is what we grew up on in my's not bad. A&D Ointment is oily and sticky and (my opinion) smells bad. Boudreax's Butt pretty much ROCKS!
Bottles: I prefer the Avent bottles because they have a wide opening and I find them easier to clean.
Nipples: I used the clear plastic ones because I could see if they were clean. (This becomes valuable when you find a bottle buried in the couch, your bed, the car, wherever it fell.)
Pacifiers: This is totally up to you. But FYI, once you get the baby hooked, you are not going back for a while....Lissy Jane uses Avent Orthodontic pacifiers and Dilly uses the Avent Soother Pacifiers. This is only because we needed them to have different ones so that no one would get them confused. We tried just using different colors and LissyJane would take them from Dilly.
Soap: We use Aveeno Baby Shampoo and Conditioner for actual "cleaning baths" and we also use the Aveeno Comfort Lavender bath for "snuggle" baths.
Bibs: I never use them. Naked baby for feeding solves the laundry issue. :)
Food: All things Gerber! (A note on this; if you wouldn't personally eat whatever you are about to feed your child, don't feed it to them. In our house, we NEVER fed them meat products from a jar, or other baby food packaging. We don't eat jarred or canned meat at our house as "big people" so we don't feed it to the baby..)
Sippy Cups: We LOVE the Nuby cups! All shapes and sizes! And they just started making snack cups with the lids the kids can reach in and pull snacks out. They have a great shape for little kiddos' little hands. LOVE!!!!
Diaper bag: We use a monogrammed Medium Boat and Tote Bag from LL Bean. Annie still has hers from when she was an infant and uses it now as a regular bag. I wish I had gotten zipper top, but either way, it's durable, it's a reasonable size and IT ROCKS. (And yes, some people will judge you if you have a monstrous bag that is bigger than your carseat, this is not.)
1. Changing tables: only if you need one. We change the kids on the floor with a blanket if we need to....and we NEVER walked to the changing table for every single diaper.
2. Baby Bath Tubs....we don't use them. Sinks work just as well...and I (we) prefer to get into the tub with the babies.
3. Special Towels....regular ones work just as well.
4. Baby Washcloths....we didn't use them.
5. Diaper Pail.....why buy an extra trash can???
Big Things: Just the Necessities: Car Seat, Stroller, Somewhere for Baby to Sleep (Even if it's a box)
Car Seat: We used Graco Infant Car Seats for Anna and Jonas and after some research we used Baby Trend Infant Car Seats for MelissaJane and Lillian. Here's the link to the most similar on target's website. I really like their system and you can get extra bases on the target website.
Convertible Car Seat: we use this once the kiddos get big enough for it; around age 1, depending on size. We buy the black Evenflo brand one.
Stroller: We usually have purchased our car seat and stroller as a "travel system" initially. It saves a little bit of money and the carseat fits into the stroller. (And if you are into the matchiness, which I am, it all matches!)
Crib versus Co-sleeper versus In your bed: This is entirely up to you. Our babies sleep in our bed until they are about 2. The first few months my shoulders hurt because they're in the crook of my arm. After that they are next to me. This is really a personal thing.
1. Car seat's a frame that the car seat sits in....I had one as a gift. used it 4 times? I think I might still have it, but rarely used it.
2. Umbrella stroller, this is rather handy once the kiddo is around 1.5-2, it's much more light-weight and easy to use for when they "don't want to walk" and you don't want to carry them.
3. Extra base: SOOOO Handy
In the house extra items:
Toys: whatever you are comfortable with, go for it.
Kick Gyms: Be reasonable, 1 or 2 is more than enough!
Swings: if you have the space, they are definitely handy for not having to hold baby all the time and you have a way to comfort without your arms falling off
Rockers: We never bought one, but they seemed nice in the store...