We met our friend Maisye at the Agricenter to take pictures of the babies. I got a few good shots of Annie and Jonas, and a few of the all of the kids together. I also managed to get a mommy and kids picture, which I was pretty excited about.
I love seeing the kids in the clothes that I have made for them. I think my mom probably felt the same way about seeing us in the dresses she made. I decided to put Dilly in my thanksgiving dress. (Which inspired me to want to figure out how to make the dress style my mom used to make; but that's another blog post and another story.)
We let Lissy walk around and explore the pumpkins and the gourds that we sitting around the Big Red Barn at the Agricenter. Lissy had a blast wandering around in her new outfit checking out all the pumpkins and gourds. She was shaking the gourds and trying to pick up the big pumpkins.Once Maisye arrived, the girls had such a great time playing in the pumpkins. There were statues of hogs and horse that the girls really liked, but they seemed a little confused by them. Someone had cut open a very large pumpkin and though the outside was orange, the inside was very white.
Overall, I think the little girls had a great time.
Here's a few pictures from the day.

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