In the last 11 years, we have experienced the following craziness:
My mother's breast cancer, job changes (several), car changes (several), the birth of our first daughter, the birth of our first child, the insanity of 9/11, the death of Geoff's grandfather, lots of high school graduations, Geoff's brother's first child/daughter, Geoff's parents' divorce, the birth of our son, I finally graduate college, Geoff's brother's second child/daughter, people moving away, friends passing away, friends getting married, friends having baby, buying our first house, my first major car accident, I finally graduate college with my Bachelors, going through a crazy point in our marriage and nearly getting divorced, fertility issues, totaling my car on a deer, more fertility issues, my aunt passes away, graduating with my first Masters, my dad has cancer, even more fertility issues, being told we are not having any more children, first year teaching, surplussed...finding a new school, Geoff becomes a stay at home dad, We're having another baby?!?!, a new little girl!, surplussed...again, finding a new WHITE STATION (my alma mater), graduating with my second Masters, accepted to the PhD program!, We're pregnant AGAIN!?!?!?, the passing of Geoff's grandmother, buying a new car, my mother has cancer, Geoff graduates!, the passing of my mother, mommy's funeral, the death of one of our pets, trip to Puerto Rico, loosing my contract, welcoming baby #4, new school!, the death of another pet, accepted to the Leadership PhD program, Lissy Jane goes to school!....and life just keeps going.
It seems like more when it's in a list, but at the same time it feels like it's not as much. I could never imagine all of these things happening in the last 11 years, but I know that I couldn't have survived it without my husband by my side. He is an incredible man and a wonderful husband and a a great father and daddy. I love that he is the man I am married to and I wouldn't change it for the world!