Getting ready...
for the baby has been so easy and fun! Buying girl clothes again is great, and I know that I have a lot of clothes and things tucked away in lots of different places, but I really like the idea that she's going to have a few things of her own...and her baby legs arrived today!!! Seriously, does it get much cuter??? I'm gonna have to make some cute little things to wear with them!!
Getting excited...
about delivering at home is going to be such an incredible experience for our whole family. And now that my friend Jennifer has agreed to be the kids "person", I know that the day is going to be completely incredible.
Getting nervous...
this is going to be the first summer that Jonas is going to sleepaway camp! He's headed to Strong River Camp in Pinola, MS. It's really one of the most incredible places that I have ever seen for kids and if the pictures even do it partial justice, I'm going to be totally jealous that he's there! He seems to want to go in July after this little gal makes her arrival, which is fine with me. What's strange is that I can't believe that he's old enough to be going to sleep away camp! I know I'm going to miss him, but I just hope he's able to have fun and enjoy the experience. I'm also hoping that it helps him grow.

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